We guarantee a workplace that complies with health and safety regulations in work environments, as well as a favorable environment for the well-being of workers and their performance.
At AVCO, we consider workspace to encompass any area where workers perform their services, from workstations in workshops, means of transportation to military bases, commercial and civilian hangars, to representative events and labor commissions.
We guarantee the privacy and confidentiality of personal and business information of those who work with us, customers, suppliers, and partners. All non-public information is not disclosed to third parties because it may violate confidentiality commitments, affect strategic operations, provide competitive advantages, or could harm AVCO or third parties if it were to become known in an unauthorized, inappropriate, or premature manner.
We promote responsible and appropriate use of the company's physical, human, technological, economic, and intellectual resources. We are committed to protecting the environment by reducing our impact on it by complying with current regulations regarding environmental protection and responsibility.
We guarantee the quality and safety of all our products and services. As a global company, we comply with international trade laws and have the appropriate authorizations for the import and export of parts, services, and technology. We maintain an ethical behavior in our relationship with military, private and commercial institutions.
We protect our corporate image and identity. We control our presence in the digital environment to strengthen our reputation in the industry. AVCO respects the laws, regulations, and cultural diversity of each country where it operates, as a contribution to participation in the local economy and interaction with the community.